# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells. umask 002 export EDITOR=vi # Call the template file if available if [ -d ${HOME}/bin ]; then templateFile="`find -L ${HOME}/bin -name "dhsetup.sh" -perm /u+x | head -1`" if [ -x "${templateFile}" ]; then . "${templateFile}" fi fi # Set prompt # If the DH_PROMPT_HOSTNAME field is set, incorporate it... if [ -n "${DH_PROMPT_HOSTNAME}" ]; then PS1="[\u@${DH_PROMPT_HOSTNAME} \W]\$ " else PS1="[\u@dreamhost \W]\$ " fi # Some aliases I like # These can be overridden/augmented in the .bashrc.local file (see below) alias cp='cp -i' alias h='history' alias ho='hostname' alias j='jobs' alias l='less' alias l.='ls -d .* --color=auto' alias ll='ls -lF --color=auto' alias lll='ls -alF --color=auto' alias ls='ls -F --color=auto' alias m='more' alias mc='. /usr/share/mc/bin/mc-wrapper.sh' alias mv='mv -i' alias rm='rm -i' # Recursively set path to include the ~/bin directory and any sub-directories under it. if [ -d "${HOME}/bin" ]; then export PATH=${PATH}`find -L ${HOME}/bin -type d | grep -v .svn | grep -v .git | while read dir; do echo -n ":${dir}"; done; echo ""` else export PATH=${PATH}:${HOME}/bin fi # Set up Drupal Script Library stuff # See http://toddgee.com/drupalScripts # Script location export DRUPAL_SCRIPT_DIR="`dirname "\`which drupalDeploy.sh\`"`" # The default drupal install location if [ -e ~/webroot/drupal ]; then export DRUPAL_INSTALL_ROOT=~/webroot/drupal fi # If the local config file exists, source it. if [ -f ${HOME}/.bashrc.local ]; then . ${HOME}/.bashrc.local fi # If thie Drupal Script Library setup file exists, source it. if [[ -n "${DRUPAL_SCRIPT_DIR}" && -d "${DRUPAL_SCRIPT_DIR}" && -f "${DRUPAL_SCRIPT_DIR}/bashrc_drupal.sh" ]]; then . ${DRUPAL_SCRIPT_DIR}/bashrc_drupal.sh fi